All Fantasy

Fueled by Lust: Keos (MF)
[Fueled by Lust]
by Celeste Prater
[Siren Classic: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Sci-Fi Romantic Suspense, HEA] Keos Nazario had one task: retrieve stolen technology or compromise the empire. But crashing into a luscious female when seconds away from a successful mission wasn’t part of his equation. Neither was forcing her and a thieving male back to Insedivertus for an audience with the emperor. Could she ever forgive him, or would he always be the one that stole her body but lost her heart? Everly...
Merlin's Rogues: The Permesis Magician (MM)
by B. Bentley Summers
[Siren Allure ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Romantic Suspense, M/M, HEA] Pretty boy Devon has no idea his week of midterms at a Kansas university is about to go from arduous studying to meeting four magicians who call themselves Merlin’s Rogues. He’s about to be even more surprised to discover that he’s a magician, too, and sought out by dark forces—for what, he doesn’t know, but he will soon discover why. Devon’s sexbuddy kidnaps him and...
Were Trilogy Complete Collection (MFMM, MFMMM)
[Were Trilogy]
by Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Box Set #75: The Tigers of Texas, Volume 1 (All 4 books for $3.99) In Were She Belongs, Lexi has been abducted, is unable to escape, and is about to be murdered. There is growling, bodies flying…and the next thing Lexi knows, she’s staring into the eyes of some sexy wolf she met at the club. Along with her old friend Sierra, the three Alpha males helped save Lexi, but although she is attracted to them, she knows she can only bring them danger and pain. But...
Yves (MM)
[Beyond the Veil]
by Toby Aden
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, fae, gods, HEA] Yves is the second-born son of the Fire Kingdom. He has lived his life battling constant restlessness and depression. He has always felt as though there was more, that there was something out there for him. His art was the only way he escaped from his head.  Greek god Apollo was promised a mate. He just never imagined how long he’d have to wait for that promise to be...
Taming the Human (MMMM)
[White Horse Clan]
by Lynn Stark
[Siren Ménage Amour ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/M/M/M, shape-shifter, vampire, HEA] After more than a thousand years, Jean-Luc had long hoped to find his mates. The first, a human named Brant Larson, was so terrified of Jean-Luc as a gargoyle that he could only mourn the loss. He did so for months, until Dr. Niall Gray revealed he was also Jean-Luc’s mate. The gentle, loving vampire did much to soothe the pain. He...
A Cook in King Arthur's Court (MM)
by T. K. Benjamin
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Historical Romance, M/M, HEA] The wizard Merlin saw rot in his beloved Camelot. He asked aid from his Gods. They answered and, after a fashion, along with a bit of complicated magic, he got Alex.  Alexander Foster, a modern-day chef, fell into bed exhausted and alone. After a Technicolor kaleidoscope of a dream, he wakes up. He's under a tree, in the great outdoors, and there's a beautiful man wearing armor watching...
Beyond Eternity (MM)
[Dark Court ]
by Stormy Glenn
[Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal, M/M, HEA] Brandon Thomas liked his job as an orderly at the Gervais Institute of Study, but lately, things have started to get a little weird. The military moved in and armed soldiers roam the halls. Told to report to his supervisor, he’s surprised to learn that he has received a promotion.  Brandon’s promotion turns into a nightmare when he is poked and prodded...
Masquerade (MM)
[The Angel Pack]
by Maggie Walsh
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, angels, demons, fae, gods, shape-shifters, vampires, HEA] When Xavier Angel meets his mate, he is ecstatic, but the closer he gets to Liam, the more ill he becomes. When this mysterious illness threatens Xavier’s life, causing him to almost die, Liam discovers what is wrong with Xavier. His heart breaks knowing he will never be able to have his mate—because to do so would cost Xavier...
Angel's Fury (MFMM)
[The Heavenly Host]
by Ashley Malkin
[Siren Ménage Amour: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, angels, demons, vampires, HEA] Faith Eldridge has suffered terrifying nightmares her entire life. When her nightmare takes form and attacks her, she barely escapes with her life and she fears she’s finally gone mad. For thousands of years, angelic brothers Sullivan, Knox, and Vaughn have fought, bled, and been tainted by the monstrosities hell spits out. They’ve fought for a...
Beyond Regret (MM, MMM)
[Dark Court ]
by Stormy Glenn
[Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, M/M/M, HEA] Doc has quietly loved Rocky through their years together as Marines. But their arrival at the Seelie court and a lust-fueled encounter shatter all his expectations. One stolen passionate encounter unravels years of friendship. Devastated, Doc volunteers to lead the search for Monte, a Seelie elf missing in the human realm. Locating Monte doesn’t...
Passionate Knight (MM)
[Immortal Knights]
by Marcy Jacks
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifter, HEA] Immortal Knight William can finally hang up his sword, at least for a little while. His mate, who was brutally murdered, has been reincarnated and returned to him. August is safe in the lodge, and William's new mission is to make sure August can recover from his traumatic past—and to keep him safe from the threats still lurking. August is still getting...
The Cairngorm Dragons Collection (MF)
[Cairngorm Dragons]
by Clair de Lune
Box Set #72: The Cairngorm Dragons Collection (All 4 books for $3.99) In Dragon’s Mate, Braemuir is a dragon shape-shifter, chief of the Clan, and he must find a mate and impregnate her before the summer solstice and the Gathering of the Clan if he is to avoid any challenge to his leadership. Braemuir finally finds a mate in Eilidh NicDhoughal, but they are both being targeted by an unknown black dragon and his mate who are out to kill Braemuir and keep the...
Beyond the Darkness (MM)
[Dark Court ]
by Stormy Glenn
[Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, HEA] Nothing in Zack Banning’s life makes sense. Not the head injury that ended his career, and certainly not the sexy dreams he’s been having about a mysterious, blue-eyed stranger who seems to know exactly how to send Zack straight into the flames of ecstasy with every touch. Zack can’t decide what disturbs him more—how much he longs for the dreams...
Cold Knight (MM)
[Immortal Knights]
by Marcy Jacks
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA] Yuki, a dragon shifter and one of the immortal knights charged with protecting humanity, has been left scarred and damaged by the brutal death of his mate. Hundreds of years later, Joey is reincarnated and blessedly returned to him, bruised and beaten by the very people who would wish Yuki and his brothers harm.   Joey has been looking for his dragon for...
Hellfire and Brimstone (MFMM)
[Werewolves and Wizards of West End]
by Jane Jamison
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Cowboy Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, shape-shifter, vampires/werewolves HEA] Witch Sarah Johnson sees visions of the future, but she has suppressed the ability since childhood. Looking forward to a life without the visions, she visits her friend Lilli Anderson in the small island town of West End. When she runs into three men filled with raw sexuality, she’s ready to have a little fun—until she kisses...
Wayland (MM)
[Demon Warriors]
by Lynn Hagen
[Siren Publlishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, demons, HEA] With soul-sucking demons on the rise, Wayland and his brethren have their hands full. One night while on patrol, Wayland comes across another victim and rescues the human from having his soul sucked right out of him. But he isn’t prepared for the instant fascination he has with the redhead, especially since Wayland isn’t attracted to humans. Gilmore...
When Hell Freezes Over (MFMM)
[Werewolves and Wizards of West End]
by Jane Jamison
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, shape-shifters, werewolves, HEA] A dark wizard has cursed Shelby Winters. Even her skills as a witch can’t save her. Knowing she’ll die soon, she leaves her home to find a place to spend the rest of her short life. Seeking peace, she finds her way to the small island town of West End. Werewolf J.B. Legacy, his hybrid brother, Taylor, and their werebird friend Bryton Carlyle...
Defrosting Jack (MM)
by Susan Laine
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifter, HEA] Jack Frost has a problem. He’s the mythical power behind the elements of ice, snow, and frost, but his fame is being usurped by a fictional Frozen queen. So Jack’s the grumpiest man in Yuleland and is in need of a naughty distraction. Rudolph Hreinn has a problem, as well. Rudy’s in high demand on Christmas, but the rest of the year he’s scorned by everyone...
The Demon's Bears (MMM)
[A Pine Falls Story]
by Ashley Malkin
[Siren Ménage Amour ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/M, demons, shape-shifter, vampires/werewolves, HEA] The Demon’s Bears is the story of how love changes everything… Brody and his brother, Jayce, are the demon offspring of angelic parents. When their parents mysteriously disappear, they spend decades searching for them. But when the search becomes dangerous, Jayce leaves Brody in the care of a wolf pack. But the...
The Wizard's Tizz (MM)
[Milson Valley]
by Jo Penn
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifter, vampires/werewolves, HEA] There is a divide in Milson Valley between creatures, one which threatens to destroy the strong Alliance that keeps the city and valley safe. Wizard Mason Armstrong knows he can stop the trouble before it truly begins, but he doesn’t want to. Not if it means he has to accept his wolf shifter mate, Enforcer Drax Charmers, who refused to claim Mason...
Howling Knight (MM)
[Immortal Knights]
by Marcy Jacks
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA] Tomas Ackerman had no idea that immortal shifters and evil witches existed, but now he finds himself held hostage, his body possessed by an evil witch. And a familiar man on the outside is trying desperately to save him—a man whose face and voice inspire a sense of need and lust the likes of which speaks to Tomas's very soul. Bramwell is an immortal knight...
Eielawyn (MF)
[The Maidens of Mocmoran]
by Wynette Davis
[Siren Classic: Erotic Fantasy Romance, HEA] Eielawyn, clan of Nelglis, hates the Teveoch royal guard. They are Queen Balaedras’ thugs. She hates their arrogance and cruelty, knowing they’re responsible for so many missing in Yaesdrah. But a guard comes into her life challenging her views. Raenos, son of Xiaxion, is tall, muscled, and sexy beyond any man she’s ever known. The connection she feels between them frightens her, yet she’s powerless to stop it...
To Hell and Back (MFMM)
[Werewolves and Wizards of West End]
by Jane Jamison
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, shape-shifters, werewolve/vampires, HEA] Brooklyn Hightower has loved Damian Carlyle, Samuel Ryland, and her best friend’s brother, Morgan Legacy, for as long as she can remember. Even after studying abroad and trying to forget about them, she realizes time away hasn’t changed her feelings. Now she’s home and ready to claim them as her mates.   Along with his wizard...
Forever and a Day (MFMM)
[Pine Falls]
by Ashley Malkin
[Siren Ménage Amour: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, angels, shape-shifters, HEA] While on a mission for their pride of cougar shifters, Fergus, Tanner, and Nash Willis discover their mate, Sienna. Sienna has been held captive and tortured for centuries; freedom to her means only one thing—she’s finally allowed to die. The brothers come to understand the horrors Sienna has had to endure, but they are unable to grant her wish for...
Capturing Their Flame (MFM)
[Stone Passions]
by Rebecca Airies
[Siren Ménage Amour: Erotic Fantasy Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, shape-shifter, spanking, HEA] Naomi Hardin heads into Gargoyle territory to see a play without a second thought. She never expected to run into any Gargoyles, much less two men who claim she’s their mate. She’s drawn to the two Gargoyles but will escape from them. Although they’re gorgeous, she has plans for her life, and they don’t include biologically chosen mates. Neil Conrad...