All Erotic Romance

An Alpha Husband (MM)
[New Luna Werewolves]
by Marcy Jacks
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, werewolves, HEA]  Ash Grantz was rescued by his mate from an abusive ex boyfriend, though not without consequences. Luckily he loves being a werewolf. He especially loves it when his mate chases him through the woods for some exercise and sex. That's always spectacular. So is being proposed to. What he could do without are the hunters that have been circling, or when his mate finds...
Bailey: Bending the Rules (MM)
[Pack Leaders]
by Dawn H. Hawkes
[Siren Allure ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HFN]  Bailey Peterson is a werewolf and one of four alpha brothers leading the town's pack. After a long night discussing pack business, nothing is as good as the food at the local diner, but Bailey never expects to find something better there than the juicy steak on the menu. Though when newcomer Jeremy Beck comes to town and starts working there, Bailey is proved wrong. It was...
Saving Riley (MM)
[Darkfall Mountain Pack]
by Fel Fern
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]  Riley Stevens is a deficient Omega who can’t shift. Even worse, Riley has no reliable mate or pack to fall back on. Taken by human scientists eager to take apart and study the supernatural, Riley thinks all hope is lost...until the transport convoy he's in is attacked by a powerful dominant werewolf. Zack Simmons is supposed to be watching the Darkfall Mountain Pack’s...
A Finch to Catch a Falcon (MF)
by May Raymond
[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romance, HEA]  As Hanna Finch finds herself alone and pregnant, she resolves to put the past behind her and focus on making a home for her and her baby. Hope that she could have more comes along, in the form of Chayton Trebillick. Epitomizing tall, dark and handsome, when they first meet, on top of Glastonbury Tor, there is instant attraction. A chance meeting the following day has them arranging a date, but Hanna is left...
Destiny's Call (MM)
[Mages of the Nether]
by A.M. Halford
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, HEA]  Aiden Dalrymple, the Medium for his generation, hates the fact he can’t practice the Craft normally. He tries again and again to use his family’s abilities in the traditional manner, always ending in failure. His parents swear he’s destined for greatness, something he highly doubts. What good could summoning creatures of the Nether do? Daniel Bradford is a Mage, having studied the...
Little Spitfire (MM)
[Dragon Mountain]
by Frey Ortega
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]  One fateful evening, Kadan's village is attacked by a neighboring tribe. In an attempt to save his brother from the marauders, he is knocked unconscious in the attack while biding time to let his brother flee. Arik has been drawn to human lands by some unknown force. It doesn't take long for him to realize why: he was drawn here to save his mate. Kadan wakes up...
Power of Three (MFMM)
[Triple Trouble]
by Tymber Dalton
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Paranormal Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]  Elain Lyall’s life is complicated enough being her Clan’s Seer and part of the Triad. Having survived a supernatural showdown with a cockatrice, secretly adopting its baby, killing an evil wolf menace, trying to stop a future nuclear attack—all while she’s about to give birth to a child who’s the reincarnated mate of her mortal enemy—would give anyone...
The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love (MFMM)
[The American Soldier Collection]
by Dixie Lynn Dwyer
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage Romantic Suspense, M/F/M/M/M, light spanking, HEA] Malayna was a prisoner for three long years. She finally meets her father, a Russian boss who hadn’t known she even existed until right before her abduction three years ago. He had men he trusted trying to find her and ultimately they were the ones to rescue her. She was abused, controlled, broken down to the point where she wanted to die. She wouldn’t succumb to the...
Sharing Their Toys (MFM)
by Louisa Neil
[Ménage and More: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, HEA]  When Daniel dies unexpectedly, three of his best friends are thrown together as his heirs. Animosity rears from the start. They agree his distribution of assets, with its specific terms, will turn their lives upside down. Sandy is ready for the challenge, seeing adventure and a learning experience. Locke wants nothing to do with the business or the inheritance, viewing it as an inconvenience. Penny...
Going South (MM)
by Jay Otto
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Futuristic Romance, M/M, HEA]  In a post-apocalyptic world, Jacob and his lover Pete long to go south to find the family and safety they have lost. While they are terrified to leave, they both know the wild, passionate sex the two men enjoy with each other will not save them from the grim world in which they live. But the two lovers have secrets they don’t dare speak aloud, secrets that involve how things came to be...
Jade (MFMMM)
[Eminence Shifters]
by Ashley Malkin
[Ménage Amour: Erotic Paranormal Ménage Romance, M/F/M/M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]  Jade Liang discovers monsters are real when a crazed wolf shifter decides she belongs to him and his pack. She is held captive and tortured before a reluctant good samaritan frees her. Jade escapes, but soon succumbs to her injuries.  Cougar shifters Asher, Barrett, Wes and Troy Pollock have returned home to Eminence to train as soldiers for their pride. Their renewed bond as...
On the Hunt (MM)
[Shifters of North Point]
by Lexie Davis
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, werewolves, HEA] August Rinehard took his job as a soldier in the shifter’s rebel army seriously. This lone wolf had a simple mission: find India and get her back. Their beloved leader’s sister has been targeted by the humans and if they get her, the world could delve into utter chaos. However, along the way, he finds a hurt wolf, Kory, a shifter that was subjected to the humans entrapment and...
Home (MM)
[The Angel Pack]
by Maggie Walsh
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]  Evan Donaldson moved to Sanctuary to find a safe place for him and his Lost Boys. But when Evan meets his mate in the Alpha’s father Raphael Angel, Evan doesn’t feel worthy enough to have the older Alpha as his mate. Evan doesn’t believe Micah will accept him as his father’s mate. Especially if the secrets from his past, and what he has done, ever comes to light. Alpha...
Baxter (MM)
[Battle Bunnies]
by Stormy Glenn, Bellann Summer
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, werewolves, shape-shifters, HEA]  They know a thousand ways to kill...and zero ways to love. Baxter is the Battle Bunny everyone stares at. He's pierced in places that make life interesting, as snarky as they come, and so lonely his heart screams out for someone to simply acknowledge his existence. When someone does, Bax feels as though he has to fight everyone, including his own...
Always and Forever (MM)
[Warriors of the Light]
by AJ Jarrett
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, vampires, shape-shifters, witches, HEA]  Death was supposed to be the end but when a powerful witch is your fated mate, it’s only the beginning. Aaron Watkins doesn’t know what to think when he learns that he’s been dead for the past four years and brought back to life by a witch. Not just any witch but the first in all creation and his mate. Aaron thought things couldn’t...
Silk Room (MM)
[Brac Pack Next Gen]
by Lynn Hagen
[Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, vampires, HEA]  Paden’s life couldn't be any more complicated if he tried. Michaya is his mate. The problem is, the man is a vampire. Not that Paden cares, but the king of fairies enforces strict laws, and Paden will pay a hefty price if he gives in to his desires and allows Michaya to claim him.  Michaya is relentless when it comes to the pocket-sized fairy...
The Barlow Brothers: Burning Pleasure (MFMM)
by Tonya Ramagos
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Consensual BDSM Cowboy Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, figging, sex toys, HEA]  When state arson investigator Tamara Royce is summoned to Pleasure, Tennessee by one well-placed phone call from the Barlow brothers, she knows her mind, body, and heart are in trouble. She’s resisted the brothers’ advances for too long. Two things kept her from submitting to her deepest, darkest desires. She refuses to choose as adamantly as...
A Possessive Alpha (MM)
[New Luna Werewolves]
by Marcy Jacks
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove:: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, werewolves, HEA] Ash Grantz is on the run from an abusive boyfriend. Short on cash, he stops for a few days to earn some money to buy his way to Dallas where he can hide forever, but when Harris catches up with him, he can't outrun him, or a bullet. Dakota is an alpha luna werewolf, a powerful creature able to shift into a monster of a wolf, and his breed is the terror of other shifters...
The Siren's Demon (MM)
[Demons in Love]
by E.A. Reynolds
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Romance, M/M, demons, HEA] Darik loves the idea of a demon in his bed and when the chance arises his primary goal is to seduce and claim Trinity as his own. However, Trinity’s ex has plans to win him back and this puts Trinity between two sirens, each determined to have him. Trinity is only half demon but everything about him is incubus, especially the dark half that will do anything to keep his mate from leaving...
Seeing Is Believing (MM)
[True Blood Mate]
by Stormy Glenn
[Siren Publishing: The Stormy Glenn ManLove Collection: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, vampires, shape-shifters, HEA] “I need you, Ian...” Those words haunt Ian Kline, mostly because he has no idea who whispered them. Ian has been dreaming about him for weeks. Each night the dreams grow stronger, more alluring, and yet Ian can never quite see his lover's face...until someone arrives to challenge Ian for leadership of his coven. Billy spent the...
Plain and Simple (MF)
by Stephanie Rollins
[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romance, HEA]  After 20 years of marriage to a narcissist, Elizabeth, a commercial real estate agent and appraiser, finds freedom in his death.  Now, she sets out to find out who she really is while conquering her bucket list with her best friend, Jane. She finds solace with the Millers’, an Amish family, who lives in Cub Run, Kentucky.  She takes bread-making lessons from Ms. Miller.  She finds love and great sex with a...
Option 3: Meet the Outsider (MM)
[The Hot Outsiders]
by Elsa Aarden
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Fantasy Romance, M/M, demons, HEA] Demons have invaded our world and taken over. Leonel Walters has fallen victim to demons that buy and sell humans for profit. In a warehouse, Leonel has to fight to survive. Before Leonel loses all hope, fire demon officials find the warehouse and save him, as well as the other fighters. He meets Trent, a higher-ranked demon that quickly draws Leonel's attention. Trent Mihau is part...
Silk in Bonds (MF)
[Club Esoteria]
by Cooper McKenzie
[Siren Classic: Erotic Consensual BDSM Romance, sex toys, HEA] Silk Zaccaro wants a man of her own. But there are few single club dominants to choose from. And of those, none seem capable of handling her hyperactive mind and bouncy body. She’s not called the Tasmanian she-devil on speed for nothing. While she loves helping others however she can, she wishes someone could help her stop worrying about everything.  Rafe Carlton has worked security at Club Esoteria...
Dragon Bites (MFMM)
[Dragon Love]
by Jane Jamison
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Paranormal Cowboy Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, shape-shifters, spanking, HEA] Colby Trayner’s deceased father left her his ranch in Brimstone, Utah. Wanting a change in her life, she’s ready to ditch city life and become a rancher. Too bad she doesn’t know anything about cattle or horses. Weredragon friends, Darton Traverton, Ed Rogers, and Jax Lambert offer to move in and help her. The beautiful city-girl-turned-rancher...
Hyden and the Gardener (MM)
[The Millionaire's Grandsons]
by Cara Adams
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Romance, M/M, HEA]  Hyden Carmichael wants to start his own company but will his idea work? He’s planned to leave his grandfather’s company for months but it’s a huge step to take. And will he ever find his very own Mr. Right like his brother and cousins have done?  Oakley Munro isn’t sure he can trust this man in a smart business suit. His idea is radically different yet his house is almost empty...