
K. R. Bailey
K R. Bailey lives in a small Utah community with her husband and their dog, Max. She loves to travel, meeting new people and gathering background for her stories. She...
K. R. Haynes
K. R. Haynes currently resides in Tasmania, Australia. She has turned her love of reading erotic romance novels into a passion for writing her own erotic suspense BDSM...
K.D. Austin
A native of Alabama, K.D. Austin has lived everywhere from a small apartment above a bookshop in Bremerton, Washington, to a former brothel in Alaska. She currently resides...
Kaitlyn Stone
When Kaitlyn Stone sat down to write her own love story inspired by her real-life first love as a tribute to their fairytale romance, she never thought a book would be...
Kaley Colter
Kaley Colter’s life has evolved around three central passions—reading, writing, and happily-ever-afters. She is a witty, hot-blooded bookworm who adores daydreaming...
Kaliana Cole
Kaliana Cole is an Aussie girl who simply loves writing. She plunked herself in front of the pc when temporarily unemployed and hasn’t looked back. She lives with her...
Kalissa Alexander
Kalissa Alexander loves to write stories about love. She is a woman of diversified interests, from singing karaoke, to knitting, to creating her own crafts at the holidays...
Kalissa Wayne
Kalissa Wayne was born in the Midwest: corn country, basketball heaven, small town USA. Growing up, her roots were planted deep with the love of her parents and siblings...
Kara Wills
Kara Wills was born and raised in Montville, New Jersey. She relocated to Central Florida in 2005, where she continues to pursue her childhood dream of writing. Developing...
Karen Benjamin
 I live in the beautiful hills of La Mesa, California. I have always enjoyed writing, but as a navy wife and working mother of two, there was never enough time. The...
Karen Lingefelt
Karen Lingefelt probably dreamed of being a writer while still in the womb.  As a preschooler, she scribbled with crayons in picture books to put her own spin on the...
Karen Mercury
    Karen’s first three novels were historical fiction involving pre-colonial African explorers. Since she was always either accused or praised (depending on how...
Karen S. Johnson
Growing up I always knew when I was in trouble because my mom would call me by my first and middle name, “Karen Sue.” When I decided to write an erotic romance I...
Karenna Colcroft
Karenna wrote her first story at age five, and hasn't stopped since. Throughout high school and college, she wrote young adult novels. In 2004, she began work on a young...
Kari Thomas
Karly Maddison
I was born in New Zealand where I still live today. I mostly enjoy writing science fiction stories or dragon tales, and I also like reading them when I get the time...
Kasey Dean
I was born and raised in Northern New York where I still live with my husband, two sons, one daughter, stepson, and several pets that some days I really want to get rid...
Kasey Sergeant
Kat Barrett
 Kat Barrett lives in her small Connecticut home with her husband of many years.  She finds writing relaxing and enjoys creating tales of romance, erotica, and science...
Kate Davies
     From food to fiction, Kate likes things spicy! A multi-published author in a variety of genres, Kate Davies found a writing home in romance after leaving her...
Kate Hill
Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, an erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication...
Kate Patrick
Kate Patrick grew up in the southern states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. She can’t recall a time in her life when she didn’t love to read. She...
Kate September
Kate Watterson
Kathy Holmes
Kathy Holmes
Born in the City of Angels, raised on Walt Disney, and inspired by the dreams of both, Kathy Holmes grew up in southern California halfway between Disneyland and the...
Katie Blu
Hi, I'm Katie Blu. I make my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I spend my days at my day job and every other available minute writing. I strive to make my characters believable...
Katrina Finn
Katrina Finn is an artist and writer who currently splits her time between central Texas and New York City. She is passionate about food, fashion and fantastic romance...
Kay Hope
I was born in a very small midwestern town to unique parents that made each and every day an adventure. From the time I could talk I told some of the most elaborate...
Kayla Knight
Kayla Knight enjoys writing erotic romantic fiction and hopes to bring believable characters, with emotional depth, to the pages of her books. And of course some very...
Kaylee Feagans
 I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and spent the first part of my life in Independence. Later, I moved to Georgia where I have resided ever since. I am married with...
KC Morgan
 I live in Florida with my large, wacky family. I Have a twin sister and three brothers. I married the love of my life twenty-six years ago and proceeded to have four...
Kelly Conrad
Hi, my name is Kelly Conrad, and I've always loved to write. I excelled in English class at school, and always thought I wanted to be a writer. It's very difficult to...
Kelly D. Smith
Kelly Gendron
Kelly Gendron
 Kelly resides in a quiet suburb in NY. Her backyard is small but secluded. During the summer, you'll find Kelly in her sunroom. The winter months, she sits in her writing...
Kelsey Blue
 Kelsey Blue is a British author of erotic fiction, focusing mainly on ménage (group) relationships with an otherworldly twist. After all, wolves, vampires, and various...
Kelsie Belle
Kelsie Belle
Kelsie Belle is a wife, mother to two small children, and a full time teacher. Wildly gregarious by nature, she considers herself forever 21 and enjoys reading Science...
Kenzie Day
Kenzie Day was born in Southern New Jersey, where she and her husband raised their two incredible children. After successfully raising their children, Kenzie and the...
Kes Hogan
Kes Hogan lives in the southeast, working as a civil servant by day and a domestic goddess by night. During rare, spare moments, she loves reading, watching movies, fishing...
Kestra Gravier
Kethry Kane
Kethry is newly published author who is striving to perfect her craft. Originally born in Wrexham, Wales, she has traveled the world, living a bulk of her life in Zaire...
Keyonna Davis
I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee and have a degree in mortuary science. I am a single mother of a very active young son and was blessed to be able to take...
Khloe Wren
Khloe Wren
Kiel Nichols
Kiel Nichols spends her life surrounded by books. On her quiet days she can be found curled up with her sweet kitty and her mangy dog, reading or writing. She spends...
Kiera West
Kim Sheard
Kim Sheard left corporate life in 2008 and now spends half her work day walking dogs and the other half writing. Her reading tastes are very eclectic, and she has a special...
Kimberly Adkins
KimberlyAdkins is an author and artist who spends her spare time working on worm hole theories so she can go back in time and enter Star Gate’s ‘Get in the Gate’...
Kimberly Duncan
Kimberly Duncan was born in Tennessee, grew up in Texas, and is now living in New Jersey. When she isn't staying up all night to write, or working as a financial manager...
Kit Dawes
Kit Dawes exists only to create virile heroes whose obsessive appetites make them dangerous—and delicious—to the heroines of their dreams. She believes chemistry...
Kitt Cassidy
Kitt Cassidy is a new convert to the romance genre. When she was pregnant with her oldest son and her normal reading material made her cry, a friend loaned her a bodice...
Kiyara Benoiti
Kiyara Benoiti is a professional freelance writer. She resides in the mountains with her family, two dogs, and several cats whom she saved from an animal shelter. Kiyara...
Kortny Alexander
Kris Cook
A military brat to the core, Kris Cook never put down deep roots in any particular geographic location. Until Texas...
Kris Eton
Kris is a thirty-something mom with two kids who lives far, far away from civilization, which means she has plenty of quiet nights (and days) to write. She is a movie...
Kris Royce
Kris Royce was born and raised in Oklahoma. When she is not writing she spends time with her family. She lives on a small ranch with her husband. In her free time she...
Kristine Twining
Kristine Twining has dreamed of writing books and publishing pretty much her whole life. She first put pen to paper in junior high, mostly in the form of poems (which...
KyAnn Waters
KyAnn Waters lives in Utah with her husband, two children, and two dogs. She spends her days writing and her evenings with her family. She enjoys sporting events on the...
Kyleigh Drake
    I was born and raised in Texas and have to say I would not live anywhere else but here. I love the openness and hometown feel of a community where people actually...